Sunday, November 29, 2009

Bizarre GIS !

As a practicing systemic thinker, I always wondered about the power of GIS applications in various spectrum of human life. Being passionate about geography, travel, and business, I watch Travel channel a lot. While watching the 'Bizarre foods with Andrew Zimmern', this thing just popped up in my mind! Why not 'Bizarre applications of GIS' ?
Please go ahead and post all the bizarre but cool applications of GIS that you may have read, heard, and/or experienced! You can also post bizarre stuff that you want GIS to be applied on! Well, be professional. When sufficient number of applications reach to suffocate us, we can conduct a poll to vote for the bizarrest.

Let me push the start button:

1. I read in ESRI ArcNews about how a choreographer used GIS  to understand dance patterns.

Isn't this cool ?

Please post your comments either on this page or in my Linkedin page. Go GIS!

Follow me on Twitter @sentilGIS

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Google Wave and "GIS wave"

I finally received my Google Wave invitation (thanks to one of my friends) and started using it. Cool and truly game-changing features! I am wondering how Google Wave will change the spatial game. Google wave is open source, which is Google's core strategy to increase dependency and foster easy, quick adoption by millions of users. I am sure, the sandbox account for Google wave along with ESRI Flex/Silverlight APIs could come in handy for developers to play with and enable spatial publishing in Google Wave. There are many mind-boggling questions for the future:

Will GSPs (GIS service Providers) use their own Google Wave servers to share their spatial products with their clients?

GOOGLE EARTH has replaced/gradually replacing the use of ArcReader documents; Google's launch of its own programming language, 'GO'; GOOGLE WAVE is expected to replace traditional emails; What's next? 'Google GIS' to replace ArcGIS?

Is ESRI prepared for this 'Dark Knight'?