Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Spatialized (Geo) Tweets - Dataset of business opportunities!!!?

The increasing spatialization of tweets or any means of social footprints will serve as a golden dataset for small to medium, large retail businesses to position products with their target customers! Recently, I came across an interesting contour map of New York City's twitter traffic.

Will ESRI provide integrated space for tweets and/or social media dataset integration and analysis tools that are useful for business in geo-marketing?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Are you geo-centric ? Do you need a personal GIS?

Everyone is getting connected nowadays to the online social grid through millions of personal pages, feeds, status updates, tweets, blogs, profiles,discussion forums, photo tags etc. Thanks to the connection machines like the Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, and other networking sites. All these sites incorporate 'location' in to their social habitats thus enabling everyone to be geo-centric. The recent eruptions of cloud GIS have enabled more and more online/mobile GIS applications to be made available to consumers. With the increasing use and awareness of GIS, at some point in the future, do we require a personal/home GIS software? How many of you will be open to having a personal/home/lightweight version of ArcGIS installed in your PC as any other tools like MS office?